A Look Back at 2019 and Resolutions for 2020

Resolutions List

Happy New Year!  Here are my thoughts on the big stories of 2019, some highlights for C Bishop Law in 2019, and my resolutions for 2020.

  • PFAS – EPA and states are continuing to become more aware of PFAS chemicals. More states are starting to require testing for PFAS as part of an investigation, and many states have set very low limits for certain PFAS.   I see this trend continuing in 2020.
  • Agency staff lack of experience – As I mentioned in my blog about TCEQ going rogue, many agency staff are inexperienced and ask for additional information that is not legally or technically required.  I also, unfortunately, see this trend continuing in 2020.
  • Commercial real estate is hot – I am working on a lot of commercial real estate transactions. Buyer and sellers need to be aware of environmental impacts to avoid surprises by doing a Phase I Environmental Site assessment and possibly an environmental compliance audit.  Read my blog post for more information on this topic.

2019 Highlights for C Bishop Law PC

Resolutions for 2020 (in random order)

  • Reduce time on social media for non-work related topics.
  • Don’t multi-task. Every client deserves my undivided attention.
  • Keep pushing back on agency actions.
  • Continue to reduce clutter (in my house and at the office).
  • Enjoy life more (including devoting more time to my garden.  See my results for 2019 below).
Pepper Relish Ready to Can
2019 Pepper Relish
Canned pepper relish
Thirty half pints!


Wishing you a happy and prosperous 2020!

Cindy Bishop – cbishop@cbishoplaw.com

Mediation Can Be an Effective Solution to Costly Disputes

Environmental disputes can turn costly quickly:  samples, more samples, experts, attorneys, more experts.  In my experience, few environmental disputes are worth the expense of going to trial.

I recently completed a 40-hour mediation training class and was reminded how cost-effective mediation can be.  I wanted to share these thoughts while they were still fresh in my mind.

Mediation isn’t always the answer. But, not only can it provide an important reality check, it can also encourage more creative resolutions than anything available in a courtroom. Continue reading Mediation Can Be an Effective Solution to Costly Disputes